Institute for Sustainability and
Innovation in Structural Engineering


Dissemination Manual

Dissemination Manual

The dissemination manual establishes rules for the external image of ISISE and it gives guidance for their implementation.

Logo with text: download PNG or SVG.
Logo without text: download PNG or SVG.

The use of these templates is mandatory for all communications, such as conference participations, scientific meetings, lectures, defense of Project of Thesis or PhD Thesis etc. In case of conferences where there is a conference template, the use of the ISISE template remains mandatory. However, the first slide of the presentation may be that of the conference template.
This applies to all ISISE members (PhD and non-PhD).

There are three types of template:

  • ISISE (meant for communications that related to the research center as a whole) download here.
  • ISISE-UCoimbra (meant for meant for communications that related to ISISE-UCoimbra research) download here.
  • ISISE- UMinho (meant for meant for communications that related to ISISE-UMinho research) download here.

The use of these templates is optional for all members. Your email signature is a personal choice, however if you choose to use one, you should do your best to respect the order in which the information appears in your signature.

Additionally, ISISE is fully committed to reducing our digital carbon footprint, i.e., ISISE suggests you to replace images with text and links.

There are four types of template:

  • ISISE-UCoimbra without images: download here.
  • ISISE-UMinho without images: download here.
  • ISISE-UCoimbra with images: download here.
  • ISISE-UMinho with images: download here.

All publications prepared in the scope of the research centre should include acknowledgements for all financial sources that are related to the work presented in the respective publication. Sample texts for the different types of financing are given in the following:

Research centre (mandatory for all publications)
Text: This work was partly financed by FCT / MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) under the R&D Unit Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), under reference UIDB / 04029/2020 (, and under the Associate Laboratory Advanced Production and Intelligent Systems ARISE under reference LA/P/0112/2020.

FCT Individual Grants (PhD & Post-doc):
Text: This work is financed by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, under grant agreement [Ref of the grant] attributed to the xth author.

Research project and grants (optional if there is project or grant associated to the publication): These should follow the rules of the funding entity.

For ISISE-UCoimbra members:
University of Coimbra, ISISE, ARISE, Department of Civil Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal

For ISISE-UMinho members:
University of Minho, ISISE, ARISE, Department of Civil Engineering, Guimarães, Portugal

If your paper is not published as Open Access, the various publishers impose embargo periods for distribution of the publications. Information about these periods for the most frequently used publishers are given below:

As early as viable, publications should be made freely available at institutional repositories (e.g. at UMinho or at UC), by making the non-edited approved version of the approved manuscript available. See an example in:

ISISE is present on the social media by several channels.

Facebook  LinkedIN  Twitter  YouTube

We encourage you send us information (short description, image and/or link) via the dissemination @

You can find examples of what can be disseminated here.

We encourage all the new members of ISISE to check the WelcomeKit ISISE, to useful information about the Institute and facilities -> link here